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What We Do
At Hearts For Healthcare, our goal is to enrich the healthcare services available in the Cold Lake area. A large part of what we do involves raising funds to purchase life-saving equipment, enhancing existing facilities and delivering important staff training. We support this in the following ways:
Physician Attraction & Retention
Facility Enhancements
Community Advocacy

Jessalyn Weir
Family Physician in Cold Lake
Hometown: Regina, SK
My name is Jessalyn, and I’m a family physician in my first year of practice in Cold Lake, AB. I was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, in a family of five. Growing up, some of my best memories revolved around camping in the prairies over the summer months, and skiing in the Rockies over the winter months. I had a strong passion for learning from a young age, and knew I wanted a career where the learning never ends. I decided to pursue a career in medicine, starting with undergraduate training at the University of Regina in Kinesiology. I eventually went on to graduate from University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine in 2016.
Learn more about how we’re improving health care in Cold Lake.
Are you a physician? Learn more about our Physician Incentive Program.
Our Initiatives
Our initiatives work to recognize the healthcare professionals in Cold Lake, to support patients and to help us fundraise for the important work we do.
Funding Requests
Are you a member of a local healthcare facility? Do you require funding to purchase life-saving medical equipment, enhance your existing facilities or deliver important staff training?
Healthcare is a complex system, and we know you have questions about Cold Lake Health Services and about our organization.
Do you still have questions about Hearts for Healthcare?