Community Support for Rural Healthcare

At Hearts for Healthcare, it is our mission to empower our community to achieve best in class healthcare through informed dialogue, unique fundraising initiatives, and inspired volunteerism.

With all that is going on in healthcare today, and amidst a global pandemic, we felt that it was necessary, more so now than ever to stay true to that mission.

We also want to inform our community about matters that we know are important to them, and how provincial changes to our healthcare system will affect how they currently receive care and how it will change in the future.

Our community has instilled a great deal of confidence in us and we want to live up to that standard by staying true to our goal of ensuring that everyone has access to proper care. That’s why we felt that it was imperative that we put our voice out there in support of the public, our community partners, and our local healthcare professionals. 

We take our role as a voice for our community, in regards to their healthcare, very seriously and we expect our government and Alberta Health Services to support us in achieving our mission of ensuring that everyone in our area has access to proper care.

Our government has the opportunity to regain that trust and listen to their constituents and rural physicians. This, in turn, will help us to achieve our goals and provide justification for the support we receive from our community.

Below is a copy of the letter that Hearts for Healthcare sent on Monday, June 9th to our Health Minister, The Honourable, Tyler Shandro, and the MLA for Cold Lake/Bonnyville/St. Paul, Mr. David B. Hanson.

We encourage our community to send their own letters in order to create an impact that cannot be ignored and that will give a voice to rural healthcare and the community of Cold Lake and surrounding area.

Please feel free to use our letter as a resource and template for sharing your own opinion with the Health Minster and MLA.

Honourable Tyler Shandro, Health Minister: [email protected]

MLA, David B. Hanson: [email protected]

Hearts for Healthcare’s letter on rural physician recruitment and retention in support for healthcare in the community of Cold Lake, Alberta, and surrounding areas.
Below is a letter from the family physician group of Cold Lake:
For more information check out the City of Cold Lake’s Facebook post and Lakeland Connect’s article.
Our Community Partners:
  • City of Cold Lake
  • MD of Bonnyville
  • Cold Lake Primary Care Network
  • Cold Lake Physicians Group
  • Clinics: Aurora Medical Clinic, Ageless Living, Lakeland Medical Clinic, Merit Medical Clinic, and 4Wing Healthcare Centre.