Apply For Funds. Receive A Grant. Save Lives Application Form To apply for funding please fill out the form below: Contact Us Your Name* First Last Your Phone*Your Email* Organization InformationOrganization*Phone*Email* Have you applied to Alberta Health Services for this equipment or request?** Have you applied to Alberta Health Services for this equipment or request?YesNo* When do you need funding by?* MM slash DD slash YYYY * Please indicate the AHS response to your request?** Please indicate the AHS response to your request?ApprovedApproved with limitationsDenied* Tell us more about what you are requesting funding for?** Tell us how this funding will help us to enhance healthcare in Cold Lake?*Please include any supporting documents or attachments which indicate proof of previous declined requests from AHS or any other fundersAgreements* I agree this information provided is true and the organization you have indicated in the application is aware that you are submitting this request on its behalf I have the authority to bind the organization named in the application above I understand that by filling out this form I am consenting to being contacted by a member of Hearts for Healthcare and may be asked to present to a board commitee Opted-in? I would like to sign up to the Heartbeat Newsletter so I never miss a beat about everything related to healthcare in Cold Lake CAPTCHA 37198